Body & Soul

Dr. Karl Sörger

01 July 2023

Medical hypnosis

The hypnosis, trance and relaxation CDs were created by Dr. Karl Sörger developed after years of experience from his practice and implemented together with the musicians Michael Link and Karlheinz Richter.
Basic idea of Dr. Karl Sörger is to give people with mental disorders, problems and illnesses an opportunity to help themselves and to get to know the power of their own subconscious better.
The suggestions and metaphors that Dr. Sörger has been used in his hypnosis treatments for years

Vocational training

High school diploma in 1970
Federal Navy to Lieutenant at Sea
Training in nursing in Cologne
Studied dentistry (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt / M.)
Training in hypnosis in the DGH, MEG and DGZH
Training to become a Reiki master teacher

Work experience

From 1986 to 2012 he worked as a dentist in his own practice in all areas of dentistry, except for maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics
From April 2012 to December 2013 employed dentist for Dr. Karolin Reichel in Babenhausen
From October 1st, 2014 as a senior physician at the AllDent dental center in 60311 Frankfurt / Main, Kaiserstr. 1
Since 1990 working with hypnosis in the dental practice
Since 1994 member of the DGZH, trainer and supervisor hypnosis treatments for: dental treatment, smoking cessation, weight control, test anxiety.
Reiki treatments since 1992
Reiki master and teacher since 1996

Coaching experience

Since 1997 trainer in the field of dental hypnosis
Z-curriculum of the DGZH eV
Hypnosis treatments for: dental treatment, smoking cessation, weight control, exam anxiety.
Change of habits / addictions
Reiki treatments to support self-healing powers in physical and emotional matters
Training and initiation in all Reiki degrees up to master and teacher

Hypnosis CDs in the areas:

Temporomandibular joint discomfort / crunching
Trouble sleeping / snoring
Weight control / desired weight
Recognize your own inner strength
Short trance for fears (in progress)
Div. Lectures and television appearances on the subjects of hypnosis and Reiki

How do our hypnosis CDs / MP3s work?

Going into a trance (hypnosis) over CDs / Mp3s is easier than you think. If you make yourself comfortable and get involved in the mood of the CD, the hypnotic effect sets in very quickly. Then it is unimportant whether you are consciously listening to the text, or whether your thoughts are elsewhere, or whether you even have the feeling that you have fallen asleep. The message of suggestive words always reaches the subconscious.
I have specifically selected topic-related metaphors, as these achieve the highest efficiency and approval. Everyone can recognize from the metaphor the degree of reference to their problem that suits them. This ensures that not only a relaxation, but also a therapeutic effect is achieved at the same time.
The short hypnoses also do not require any experience of trance. They relate directly to the topic, without a large introduction or special return. Nevertheless, the hypnotic effect is given by the fact that, on the one hand, the possible metaphor induces trance when listening and transferring to one's own problem.
On the other hand, a trance-like state has already arisen due to the presence of a problem shortly before or in an acute situation. This is where the CD / MP3 can be heard. A trance induction is thus superfluous. The short hypnosis should be heard at the moment of the event or immediately before it in a very short time and thereby help to better endure, carry out and master the corresponding situation or event.

They are not a substitute for necessary professional help and therapy!

Already published and available for download from Amazon, in German and English:
“Relaxed flying - short hypnosis against fear of flying”, further downloads will follow in 2019. We sell our old CD's through Hypnos-Verlag.
Good luck and have fun listening!


Body & Soul

(C) & (P) 2023-2024 by Michael Link - Body & Soul -  MLINKMEDIA.COM.