Body & Soul

07 June 2024

Embrace the Unknown

New Release: "Embrace the Unknown"

We're excited to share the launch of our newest single, "Embrace the Unknown", a captivating collaboration with the talented artist Fred Dodson. This track, released on June 7, 2024, encourages listeners to delve into the enigmas of the universe through a harmonious fusion of calming melodies and therapeutic rhythms. "Embrace the Unknown" isn't just a song; it's an opportunity to surpass the ordinary and welcome the boundless possibilities that await.


Streaming and Downloads


Main Artists: Cosmic Tones and Waves & Fred Dodson

Label: Italo Serenity Music Records

Songwriting: Michael Link, Hanau

Music Production: Michael Link

Video Production: Michael Link & Frederick Dodson


Body & Soul

(C) & (P) 2023-2024 by Michael Link - Body & Soul -  MLINKMEDIA.COM.